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Defenition of the word debt

    • Defenition of the word debt

      • Something owed to someone else.
      • Passive balance that corresponds to the difference between all proceeds and all expenditures, the current ones and the ones registered on the capital account, excluding the financial operations.
      • the amount that is owed
      • the state of owing money; "he is badly in debt"
      • an obligation to pay or do something
      • money or goods or services owed by one person to another
      • the state of owing something (especially money); "he is badly in debt"
      • the state of owing something (especially money)

    Hyponyms for the word debt

      • arrears
      • bad debt
      • debt ceiling
      • debt limit
      • installment debt
      • loan
      • national debt
      • principal
      • public debt
      • score

    Hypernyms for the word debt

      • financial obligation
      • indebtedness
      • liabilities
      • liability
      • obligation
      • pecuniary obligation

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