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Defenition of the word deflexion

    • Defenition of the word deflexion

      • the movement of the pointer or pen of a measuring instrument from its zero position
      • the property of being bent or deflected
      • the amount by which a propagating wave is bent
      • a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern): "a diversion from the main highway"; "a digression into irrelevant details"; "a deflection from his goal"
      • a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern); "a diversion from the main highway"; "a digression into irrelevant details"; "a deflection from his goal"
      • a turning aside (of your course or attention or concern)

    Synonyms for the word deflexion

      • bending
      • deflection
      • deviation
      • digression
      • diversion
      • refraction

    Hyponyms for the word deflexion

      • red herring
      • refractiveness
      • refractivity
      • wind deflection
      • windage

    Hypernyms for the word deflexion

      • bend
      • bending
      • motion
      • movement
      • physical property
      • turn
      • turning

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