Defenition of the word desperation
Defenition of the word desperation
- Loss of hope.
- a state in which everything seems wrong and will turn out badly; "they were rescued from despair at the last minute"
- desperate recklessness; "it was a policy of desperation"
- desperate recklessness
- a state in which all hope is lost or absent
Synonyms for the word desperation
- anguish
- anxiety
- desolation
- despair
- despondency
- distraction
- extreme anxiety
- fear
- harassment
- hopelessness
- misery
- nervousness
- worry
Similar words in the desperation
- desperation
- desperation's
Hypernyms for the word desperation
- condition
- foolhardiness
- rashness
- recklessness
- status
See other words