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Defenition of the word devastating

    • Defenition of the word devastating

      • Being severely destructive.
      • Brought to ruin or reduced to complete disorder.
      • making light of; "afire with annihilating invective"; "a devastating portrait of human folly"; "to compliments inflated I've a withering reply"- W.S.Gilbert
      • wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction; "possessing annihilative power"; "a devastating hurricane"; "the guns opened a withering fire"
      • physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination; "a crushing blow"; "a crushing rejection"; "bone-crushing"
      • making light of; "afire with annihilating invective"; "a devastating portrait of human folly"; "to compliments inflated I''ve a withering reply"- W.S.Gilbert
      • wreaking or capable of wreaking complete destruction
      • physically or spiritually devastating; often used in combination
      • making light of

    Synonyms for the word devastating

      • annihilating
      • annihilative
      • crushing
      • withering

    Similar words in the devastating

      • destructive
      • disrespectful

    See other words