Defenition of the word devotion
Defenition of the word devotion
- A profound dedication.
- (usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently); "he returned to his devotions"
- commitment to some purpose; "the devotion of his time and wealth to science"
- feelings of ardent love; "their devotion to each other was beautiful"
- religious zeal; willingness to serve God
- (usually plural) religious observance or prayers (usually spoken silently)
- religious zeal; the willingness to serve God
- commitment to some purpose
- feelings of ardent love
Synonyms for the word devotion
- affection
- attachment
- attentiveness
- care
- commitment
- consecration
- dedication
- devotedness
- devoutness
- enthusiasm
- fervor
- fidelity
- fondness
- idolatry
- keenness
- loyalty
- piety
- religious fervor
- religious observance
- religious zeal
- support
- veneration
- zeal
Similar words in the devotion
- devotion
- devotion's
- devotional
- devotions
Hyponyms for the word devotion
- anthropolatry
- bhakti
- Bible-worship
- bibliolatry
- cultism
- fetich
- fetish
- grammatolatry
- gynaeolatry
- gyneolatry
- hobbyism
- lordolatry
- miracle-worship
- novena
- party spirit
- place-worship
- Stations
- Stations of the Cross
- symbol-worship
- symbolatry
- symbololatry
- thaumatolatry
- topolatry
- verbolatry
- woman-worship
- word-worship
- worship of man
Hypernyms for the word devotion
- allegiance
- commitment
- dedication
- love
- loyalty
- prayer
- supplication
- worship
See other words