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Defenition of the word dextral

    • Defenition of the word dextral

      • of or or on the right; "a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer"; "a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost"
      • preferring to use right foot or hand or eye; ""dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye"
      • of or on the right; "a dextral gastropod shell with the apex upward has its opening on the right when facing the observer"; "a dextral flatfish lies with the right eye uppermost"
      • preferring to use right foot or hand or eye; "dextral individuals exhibit dominance of the right hand and eye"
      • of or on the right
      • preferring to use right foot or hand or eye

    Similar words in the dextral

      • clockwise
      • dexter
      • dextrorsal
      • dextrorse
      • right-handed

    Antonyms for the word dextral

      • sinistral

    See other words