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Defenition of the word diametrically

    • Defenition of the word diametrically

      • as from opposite ends of a diameter; "when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?"; "three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart and the fourth diametrically opposite to one of the three"
      • as from opposite ends of a diameter; "when two honest witnesses give accounts of the same event that differ diametrically, how can anyone prove that the evidence you gave was deliberately false?"; "three of these brushes were approximately 120 feet apart
      • as from opposite ends of a diameter

    Synonyms for the word diametrically

      • absolutely
      • completely
      • entirely
      • totally
      • utterly
      • wholly

    Similar words in the diametrically

      • diametrically

    See other words