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Defenition of the word digital

    • Defenition of the word digital

      • Having to do with digits (fingers or toes); performed with a finger.
      • Of or relating to computers or the Computer Age.
      • Property of representing values as discrete numbers rather than a continuous spectrum.
      • (electronics) of a circuit or device that represents magnitudes in digits; "digital computer"
      • relating to or performed with the fingers; "digital examination"
      • displaying numbers rather than scale positions; "digital clock"; "digital readout"
      • of a circuit or device that represents magnitudes in digits; "digital computer"
      • of a circuit or device that represents magnitudes in digits
      • relating to or performed with the fingers
      • displaying numbers rather than scale positions

    Antonyms for the word digital

      • analog
      • analogue
      • linear

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