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Defenition of the word distil

    • Defenition of the word distil

      • transform by distillation; of liquids
      • undergo distillation; of liquids
      • extract by distillation, make by distillation
      • give off (a liquid); "The doctor distilled a few drops of disinfectant onto the wound"
      • undergo the process of distillation
      • extract by the process of distillation; "distill the essence of this compound"
      • undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops; "water condenses"; "The acid distills at a specific temperature"
      • give off (a liquid)
      • extract by the process of distillation
      • undergo condensation; change from a gaseous to a liquid state and fall in drops

    Synonyms for the word distil

      • distill
      • extract

    Hyponyms for the word distil

      • moonshine

    Hypernyms for the word distil

      • change
      • create
      • exudate
      • exude
      • flux
      • liquefy
      • liquify
      • make
      • ooze
      • ooze out
      • transude

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