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Defenition of the word Dominican

    • Defenition of the word Dominican

      • A person who originated from or is a citizen of the Dominican Republic.
      • A member of the religious order founded by St. Dominic.
      • A person who originated from or is a citizen of the Commonwealth of Dominica.
      • a Catholic friar wearing the black mantle of the Dominican order
      • of or relating to Saint Dominic or the Dominican order; "Dominican monks"
      • of or relating to or characteristic of the Dominican Republic or its people; "the Dominican population"
      • a Roman Catholic friar wearing the black mantle of the Dominican order
      • a native or inhabitant of the Dominican Republic
      • of or relating to Saint Dominic or the Dominican order
      • of or relating to or characteristic of the Dominican Republic or its people

    Synonyms for the word Dominican

      • Black Friar
      • Blackfriar
      • Dominican

    Meronymys for the word Dominican

      • Dominican order

    Hyponyms for the word Dominican

      • Girolamo Savonarola
      • Savonarola

    Hypernyms for the word Dominican

      • friar
      • mendicant
      • West Indian

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