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Defenition of the word dorsum

    • Defenition of the word dorsum

      • the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine; "his back was nicely tanned"
      • the back of the body of a vertebrate or any analogous surface (as the upper or outer surface of an organ or appendage or part: "the dorsum of the foot")
      • the back of the body of a vertebrate or any analogous surface (as the upper or outer surface of an organ or appendage or part); "the dorsum of the foot"
      • the back of the body of a vertebrate or any analogous surface (as the upper or outer surface of an organ or appendage or part)
      • the posterior part of a human (or animal) body from the neck to the end of the spine

    Synonyms for the word dorsum

      • back

    Meronymys for the word dorsum

      • body
      • dorsal vertebra
      • lat
      • latisimus dorsi
      • lumbar vertebra
      • saddle
      • small
      • torso
      • trunk

    Hypernyms for the word dorsum

      • body part

    See other words