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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "d"
Words starting with letters "du"
Words starting with letters "dum"
Words starting with letters "dumd"
Words starting with letters "dumdu"
Defenition of the word dumdum
Defenition of the word dumdum
Defenition of the word dumdum
a soft-nosed small-arms bullet that expands when it hits a target and causes a gaping wound
Synonyms for the word dumdum
dumdum bullet
Hypernyms for the word dumdum
See other words
What is dulciana
The definition of mellisonant
The interpretation of the word pirogue
What is meant by dugout canoe
The lexical meaning family dugongidae
The dictionary meaning of the word dugongidae
The grammatical meaning of the word dugong dugon
Meaning of the word dugong
Literal and figurative meaning of the word duffel bag
The origin of the word dumdum bullet
Synonym for the word dumetella
Antonyms for the word genus dumetella
Homonyms for the word silent person
Hyponyms for the word dummy whist
Holonyms for the word trash dump
Hypernyms for the word wasteyard
Proverbs and sayings for the word refuse heap
Translation of the word in other languages underprice
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "m"
Words ending with letters "um"
Words ending with letters "dum"
Words ending with letters "mdum"
Words ending with letters "umdum"
Meaning of the word dumdum