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Defenition of the word durable

    • Defenition of the word durable

      • Able to resist wear, decay.
      • very long lasting; "less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys"; "the perdurable granite of the ancient Appalachian spine of the continent"
      • existing for a long time; "hopes for a durable peace"; "a long-lasting friendship"
      • serviceable for a long time; "durable denim jeans"
      • existing for a long time
      • very long lasting
      • capable of withstanding wear and tear and decay

    Synonyms for the word durable

      • enduring
      • hard-wearing
      • heavy-duty
      • indestructible
      • lasting
      • long-lasting
      • long-lived
      • long-wearing
      • perdurable
      • resilient
      • robust
      • secure
      • stable
      • strong
      • sturdy
      • tough
      • undistroyable

    Similar words in the durable

      • durable
      • imperishable
      • long
      • serviceable

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