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Defenition of the word edward iii

    • Defenition of the word edward iii

      • (1312-1377) son of Edward II and King of England from 1327-1377; his claim to the French throne provoked the Hundred Years' War; his reign was marked by an epidemic of the Black Plague and by the emergence of the Commons as the powerful arm of Parliament
      • son of Edward II and King of England from 1327-1377; his claim to the French throne provoked the Hundred Years'' War; his reign was marked by an epidemic of the Black Plague and by the emergence of the Commons as the powerful arm of Parliament (1312-1377)
      • son of Edward II and King of England from 1327-1377; his claim to the French throne provoked the Hundred Years' War; his reign was marked by an epidemic of the Black Plague and by the emergence of the House of Commons as the powerful arm of British Parliament (1312-1377)

    Synonyms for the word edward iii

      • Edward III

    Hypernyms for the word edward iii

      • King of England
      • King of Great Britain

    See other words