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Defenition of the word Einstein

    • Defenition of the word Einstein

      • An intelligent person.
      • Unit of measurement for the number of photons.
      • physicist who formulated the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity (1879-1955)
      • someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality; "Mozart was a child genius"; "he''s smart but he''s no Einstein"
      • physicist born in Germany who formulated the special theory of relativity and the general theory of relativity; Einstein also proposed that light consists of discrete quantized bundles of energy (later called photons) (1879-1955)
      • someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality

    Synonyms for the word Einstein

      • Albert Einstein
      • Einstein

    Hyponyms for the word Einstein

      • prodigy

    Hypernyms for the word Einstein

      • intellect
      • intellectual
      • physicist

    See other words