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Defenition of the word elemental

    • Defenition of the word elemental

      • A mythological being associated with one of the four elements water, air, fire and earth.
      • relating to or being an element; "elemental sulphur"
      • relating to severe atmospheric conditions; "a race against hail or cold rains or some other elemental catastrophe"- J.K.Howard
      • being or resembling a force of nature; "elemental violence"; "primitive passions"
      • being the ultimate or elemental constituents of anything; "the elemental stuff of...out of which the many forms of life have been molded"- Jack London; "the ultimate ingredients of matter"
      • being or resembling a force of nature; "elemental violence"
      • being the ultimate or elemental constituents of anything; "the elemental stuff of...out of which the many forms of life have been molded"- Jack London; "the ultimate ingredients of matter"; "his proposal is elegantly simple"
      • of or being the essential or basic part
      • relating to or being an element
      • relating to severe atmospheric conditions

    Synonyms for the word elemental

      • basic
      • essential
      • fundamental
      • primitive
      • rudimentary
      • ultimate

    Similar words in the elemental

      • elemental
      • natural
      • simple

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