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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "e"
Words starting with letters "em"
Words starting with letters "ema"
Words starting with letters "emac"
Defenition of the word emacs
Defenition of the word Emacs
Defenition of the word Emacs
A seminal text editor and pseudo-shell beloved by UNIX aficionados; can be used for programming tasks, simple word processing, etc.
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What is Elepi
The definition of Elele
The interpretation of the word Elektroplattieren
What is meant by Electronic and Computer Engineering
The lexical meaning Electronic Business using eXtensible Markup Language
The dictionary meaning of the word Elder Futhark
The grammatical meaning of the word Elbe
Meaning of the word Elamo Dravidian
Literal and figurative meaning of the word Elamite Written Proto-Elamite Inscription
The origin of the word Emai-Iuleha-Ora
Synonym for the word Embaloh
Antonyms for the word Embla
Homonyms for the word Embu
Hyponyms for the word Emerillon
Holonyms for the word Emilian
Hypernyms for the word Emiliano-Romagnolo
Proverbs and sayings for the word Emmental
Translation of the word in other languages Emmentaler
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "s"
Words ending with letters "cs"
Words ending with letters "acs"
Words ending with letters "macs"
Meaning of the word emacs