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Defenition of the word embolism

    • Defenition of the word embolism

      • A block in an artery caused by blood clots, fat globules, infected tissue, or cancer cells.
      • occlusion of a blood vessel by an embolus (a loose clot or air bubble or other particle)
      • an insertion into a calendar

    Synonyms for the word embolism

      • intercalation

    Meronymys for the word embolism

      • calendar
      • embolus

    Hyponyms for the word embolism

      • aeroembolism
      • air embolism
      • fat embolism
      • gas embolism
      • pulmonary embolism

    Hypernyms for the word embolism

      • interval
      • occlusion
      • time interval

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