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Defenition of the word encompass

    • Defenition of the word encompass

      • To form a circle around.
      • To include within its scope; to go round so as to surround.
      • To include completely; to describe fully or comprehensively.
      • To travel completely around somewhere or something.
      • To include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory.
      • include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group"
      • include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one''s sphere or territory; "This group encompasses a wide range of people from different backgrounds"; "this should cover everyone in the group"
      • include in scope; include as part of something broader; have as one's sphere or territory

    Synonyms for the word encompass

      • comprehend
      • cover
      • embrace
      • include
      • take in

    Similar words in the encompass

      • encompass
      • encompassed
      • encompasses
      • encompassing

    Hypernyms for the word encompass

      • include

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