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Defenition of the word episodic

    • Defenition of the word episodic

      • Occurring sporadically or incidentally.
      • limited in duration to a single episode; "an account concerned primarily with episodic events such as the succession of rulers"
      • of writing or narration; divided into or composed of episodes; "the book is episodic and the incidents don't always hang together"
      • occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals; "episodic in his affections"; "occasional headaches"
      • of writing or narration; divided into or composed of episodes; "the book is episodic and the incidents don''t always hang together"
      • limited in duration to a single episode
      • occurring or appearing at usually irregular intervals
      • of writing or narration; divided into or composed of episodes

    Synonyms for the word episodic

      • broken up
      • intermittent
      • interrupted
      • intervallic
      • occasional
      • periodic
      • sporadic

    Similar words in the episodic

      • divided
      • episodic
      • impermanent
      • temporary
      • unpredictable

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