Defenition of the word epoch
Defenition of the word epoch
- A period of time in history seen as a single coherent entity.
- A designated instant in time.
- Moment in history which is usually marked by some significant event.
- a unit of geological time
- (astronomy) the precise date that is the point of reference for which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is referred
- a period marked by distinctive character or reckoned from a fixed point or event
- a unit of geological time that is a subdivision of a period and is itself divided into ages
- (astronomy) an arbitrarily fixed date that is the point in time relative to which information (as coordinates of a celestial body) is recorded
Synonyms for the word epoch
- age
- date of reference
- eon
- era
- period
- time
Similar words in the epoch
- epoch
- epoch's
- epochal
- epochs
Meronymys for the word epoch
Hyponyms for the word epoch
- age
- Caliphate
- Christian era
- Common era
- day
- Eocene
- Eocene epoch
- Glacial epoch
- historic period
- Holocene
- Holocene epoch
- Miocene
- Miocene epoch
- modern era
- Oligocene
- Oligocene epoch
- Paleocene
- Paleocene epoch
- Pleistocene
- Pleistocene epoch
- Pliocene
- Pliocene epoch
- Recent epoch
Hypernyms for the word epoch
- amount of time
- date
- geologic time
- geological time
- period
- period of time
- time period
See other words