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Defenition of the word estuary

    • Defenition of the word estuary

      • A river mouth or stream mouth is a part of a river where it flows into the sea, river, lake, reservoir or ocean.
      • Area at the mouth of a river where it broadens into the sea, and where fresh and sea water intermingle to produce brackish water. The estuarine environment is very rich in wildlife, particularly aquatic, but it is very vulnerable to damage as a result of the actions of humans. (Source: WRIGHT)
      • the wide part of a river where it nears the sea; fresh and salt water mix

    Meronymys for the word estuary

      • river

    Hyponyms for the word estuary

      • firth
      • Humber
      • La Plata
      • Para
      • Para River
      • Plata River
      • Rio de la Plata

    Hypernyms for the word estuary

      • body of water
      • water

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