Defenition of the word extirpation
Defenition of the word extirpation
- The act of destroying or getting rid of something.
- The complete destruction of every trace of something.
- surgical removal of a body part or tissue
- the act of pulling up or out; uprooting; cutting off from existence
Synonyms for the word extirpation
- ablation
- cutting out
- excision
Hyponyms for the word extirpation
- adenoidectomy
- adrenalectomy
- appendectomy
- appendicectomy
- cholecystectomy
- clitoridectomy
- embolectomy
- endarterectomy
- enervation
- ennervation
- female circumcision
- hypophysectomy
- hysterectomy
- laminectomy
- laryngectomy
- lithotomy
- lobectomy
- lumpectomy
- mastectomy
- mastoidectomy
- meniscectomy
- nephrectomy
- neurectomy
- oophorectomy
- oophorosalpingectomy
- ophthalmectomy
- orchidectomy
- orchiectomy
- ovariectomy
- pancreatectomy
- pneumonectomy
- prostatectomy
- salpingectomy
- septectomy
- sigmoidectomy
- splenectomy
- stapedectomy
- suprarenalectomy
- sympathectomy
- thrombectomy
- thyroidectomy
- tonsillectomy
- vasectomy
- vulvectomy
Hypernyms for the word extirpation
- operation
- pull
- pulling
- surgery
- surgical operation
- surgical procedure
- surgical process
See other words