Defenition of the word extremity
Defenition of the word extremity
- that part of a limb that is farthest from the torso
- the outermost or farthest region or point
- the greatest or utmost degree: "the extremity of despair"
- an extreme condition or state (especially of adversity or disease)
- an external body part that projects from the body; "it is important to keep the extremities warm"
- the greatest or utmost degree; "the extremity of despair"
- an external body part that projects from the body
- the greatest or utmost degree
Synonyms for the word extremity
- appendage
- boundary
- edge
- end
- farthest point
- fringe
- limb
- limit
- margin
- member
Similar words in the extremity
Meronymys for the word extremity
Hyponyms for the word extremity
- bitter end
- bound
- boundary
- bounds
- chela
- chelicera
- claw
- dactyl
- digit
- end
- extreme
- extreme point
- extremum
- fang
- fin
- finger
- hand
- limb
- limit
- manus
- mitt
- mouthpart
- nipper
- parapodium
- paw
- pedal extremity
- pincer
- pleopod
- swimmeret
- terminal
- toe
- vertebrate foot
Hypernyms for the word extremity
- adversity
- external body part
- hard knocks
- hardship
- part
- region
- ultimacy
- ultimateness
See other words