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Defenition of the word face-to-face

    • Defenition of the word face-to-face

      • in each other's presence; "a face-to-face encounter"
      • within each other's presence; "she met the president face-to-face"
      • directly facing each other; "the two photographs lay face-to-face on the table"; "lived all their lives in houses face-to-face across the street"; "they sat opposite at the table"
      • in each other''s presence; "a face-to-face encounter"
      • within each other''s presence; "she met the president face-to-face"
      • in each other's presence
      • within each other's presence
      • directly facing each other

    Synonyms for the word face-to-face

      • opposite

    Similar words in the face-to-face

      • personal

    See other words