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Defenition of the word fail-safe

    • Defenition of the word fail-safe

      • That doesn't cause undue damage, in the event of failure.
      • Equipped with a secondary system that insures continued operation even if the primary system fails.
      • eliminating danger by compensating automatically for a failure or malfunction; "a fail-safe device in a nuclear weapon to deactivate it automatically in the event of accident"
      • guaranteed not to fail; "a fail-safe recipe for cheese souffle"
      • a mechanism capable of returning to a safe state in case there is a failure or malfunction
      • eliminating danger by compensating automatically for a failure or malfunction
      • guaranteed not to fail

    Similar words in the fail-safe

      • safe
      • secure

    Hypernyms for the word fail-safe

      • mechanism

    See other words