Defenition of the word fallow
Defenition of the word fallow
- Ploughed but left unseeded for more than one planting season.
- Uncultivated land.
- undeveloped but potentially useful; "a fallow gold market"
- left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season; "fallow farmland"
- cultivated land that is not seeded for one or more growing seasons
- undeveloped but potentially useful
- left unplowed and unseeded during a growing season
Synonyms for the word fallow
- bare
- barren
- break up
- crop-free
- empty
- harrow
- idle
- inactive
- infertile
- plow
- prepare
- seedless
- sterile
- till
- turnover
- uncreative
- uncultivated
- unplanted
- unproductive
- unsown
Similar words in the fallow
- fallow
- fallowed
- fallowing
- fallows
- unbroken
- undeveloped
- unexploited
- unploughed
- unplowed
Hypernyms for the word fallow
- cultivated land
- farmland
- ploughland
- plowland
- tillage
- tilled land
- tilth
See other words