Defenition of the word family ardeidae
Defenition of the word family ardeidae
- herons; egrets; night herons; bitterns
Synonyms for the word family ardeidae
Meronymys for the word family ardeidae
- Ardea
- Botaurus
- Bubulcus
- Casmerodius
- Ciconiiformes
- Cochlearius
- Egretta
- genus Ardea
- genus Botaurus
- genus Bubulcus
- genus Casmerodius
- genus Cochlearius
- genus Egretta
- genus Ixobrychus
- genus Nyctanassa
- genus Nycticorax
- heron
- Ixobrychus
- Nyctanassa
- Nycticorax
- order Ciconiiformes
Hypernyms for the word family ardeidae
See other words