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Defenition of the word finno-ugrian

    • Defenition of the word finno-ugrian

      • a family of Uralic languages indigenous to Scandinavia and Hungary and Russia and westrn Siberia (prior to the Slavic expansion into those regions)
      • a family of Uralic languages indigenous to Scandinavia and Hungary and Russia and western Siberia (prior to the Slavic expansion into those regions)

    Synonyms for the word finno-ugrian

      • Finno-Ugrian
      • Finno-Ugric

    Hyponyms for the word finno-ugrian

      • Fennic
      • Finnic
      • Non-Ugric
      • Ugrian
      • Ugric

    Hypernyms for the word finno-ugrian

      • Uralic
      • Uralic language

    See other words