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Defenition of the word foaming

    • Defenition of the word foaming

      • emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation; "bubbling champagne"; "foamy (or frothy) beer"
      • covered with or resembling small bubbles as from being agitated by beating or heating; "the bubbling candy mixture"; "a cup of foaming cocoa"; "frothy milkshakes"; "frothy waves"; "spumy surf"
      • producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease; "the rabid animal's frothing mouth"
      • producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease; "the rabid animal''s frothing mouth"
      • producing or covered with lathery sweat or saliva from exhaustion or disease
      • emitting or filled with bubbles as from carbonation or fermentation

    Synonyms for the word foaming

      • bubbling
      • bubbly
      • effervescing
      • foamy
      • frothing
      • frothy
      • spumous
      • spumy
      • sudsy

    Similar words in the foaming

      • agitated
      • effervescent
      • unhealthy

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