Defenition of the word forestall
Defenition of the word forestall
- act in advance of; deal with ahead of time
- keep from happening of arising; have the effect of preventing; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"
- keep from happening or arising; have the effect of preventing; "My sense of tact forbids an honest answer"
- keep from happening or arising; make impossible
Synonyms for the word forestall
- anticipate
- avert
- counter
- forbid
- foreclose
- foresee
- hinder
- jump in before
- obviate
- pre-empt
- preclude
- prevent
Similar words in the forestall
- forestall
- forestalled
- forestalling
- forestalls
Hyponyms for the word forestall
- avert
- avoid
- baffle
- bilk
- block
- blockade
- cross
- debar
- deflect
- embarrass
- fend off
- foil
- forefend
- forfend
- frustrate
- halt
- head off
- hinder
- kibosh
- make unnecessary
- obstruct
- obviate
- queer
- save
- scotch
- spoil
- stave off
- stop
- stymie
- stymy
- thwart
- ward off
Hypernyms for the word forestall
See other words