Defenition of the word foxtail grass
Defenition of the word foxtail grass
grasses of the genera Alopecurus and Setaria having dense silky or bristly brushlike flowering spikes
ground pine thickly covered with bristly leaves; widely distributed in barren sandy or peaty moist coastal regions of eastern and southeastern United States
Synonyms for the word foxtail grass
Lycopodium alopecuroides
Hyponyms for the word foxtail grass
Alopecurus pratensis
bottle grass
bristle grass
foxtail millet
giant foxtail
glaucous bristlegrass
green bristlegrass
green foxtail
Hungarian grass
Italian millet
meadow foxtail
rough bristlegrass
Setaria glauca
Setaria italica
Setaria viridis
yellow bristle grass
yellow bristlegrass
yellow foxtail
Hypernyms for the word foxtail grass
Christmas green
ground pine
meadow grass
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