Defenition of the word frivolity
Defenition of the word frivolity
- A frivolous act.
- something of little value or significance
- acting like a clown or buffoon
- the trait of being frivolous; not serious or sensible
Synonyms for the word frivolity
- bagatelle
- buffoonery
- clowning
- dizziness
- fluff
- foolishness
- frippery
- frivolousness
- giddiness
- harlequinade
- idleness
- inconsequentiality
- laughing and joking
- lightheartedness
- merriment
- perkiness
- playfulness
- prank
- silliness
- thoughtlessness
- triviality
Similar words in the frivolity
Hyponyms for the word frivolity
- fun
- giddiness
- levity
- playfulness
- schtick
- schtik
- shtick
- shtik
- silliness
Hypernyms for the word frivolity
- craziness
- folly
- foolery
- indulgence
- lunacy
- small beer
- stuff
- sundries
- sundry
- tomfoolery
- trait
- trifle
- trivia
- triviality
- whatchamacallit
- whatsis
Antonyms for the word frivolity
- earnestness
- serious-mindedness
- seriousness
- sincerity
See other words