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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "f"
Words starting with letters "fu"
Words starting with letters "fuc"
Words starting with letters "fuch"
Words starting with letters "fuchs"
Words starting with letters "fuchsi"
Defenition of the word fuchsia
Defenition of the word fuchsia
Defenition of the word fuchsia
any of various tropical shrubs widely cultivated for their showy drooping purplish or reddish or white flowers; Central and South America and New Zealand and Tahiti
a dark purple-red; the dye was discovered in 1859, the year of the battle of Magenta
Synonyms for the word fuchsia
Meronymys for the word fuchsia
genus Fuchsia
Hyponyms for the word fuchsia
Fuchsia coccinea
Fuchsia excorticata
native fuchsia
tree fuchsia
Hypernyms for the word fuchsia
purplish red
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English dictionary
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Meaning of the word fuchsia