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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "f"
Words starting with letters "fu"
Words starting with letters "fue"
Words starting with letters "fuel"
Words starting with letters "fuel "
Words starting with letters "fuel o"
Words starting with letters "fuel oi"
Defenition of the word fuel oil
Defenition of the word fuel oil
Defenition of the word fuel oil
A liquid product burned to generate heat, exclusive of oils with a flash point below 38В°C; includes heating oils, stove oils, furnace oils, bunker fuel oils. (Source: MGH)
a petroleum product used for fuel
Synonyms for the word fuel oil
heating oil
Hyponyms for the word fuel oil
gas oil
Hypernyms for the word fuel oil
combustible material
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The definition of fry-up
The interpretation of the word fry-pan
What is meant by fry pan
The lexical meaning fry cook
The dictionary meaning of the word frutarianism
The grammatical meaning of the word fruitarianism
Meaning of the word fruit-eating
Literal and figurative meaning of the word fruit yoghurt
The origin of the word fuel tank
Synonym for the word fuel wood
Antonyms for the word fuel-air bomb
Homonyms for the word fuel-air explosive
Hyponyms for the word fueling station
Holonyms for the word fugacious
Hypernyms for the word fugitive recovery agent
Proverbs and sayings for the word fulgent
Translation of the word in other languages full beard
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "l"
Words ending with letters "il"
Words ending with letters "oil"
Words ending with letters " oil"
Words ending with letters "l oil"
Words ending with letters "el oil"
Words ending with letters "uel oil"
Meaning of the word fuel oil