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Defenition of the word Fula

    • Defenition of the word Fula

      • A macro language consisting of nine languages
      • a family of languages of the Fula people of west Africa in the sub-Shara regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African Niger-Congo languages
      • a family of languages of the Fulani people of West Africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-Saharan regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African languages
      • a member of a pastoral and nomadic people of western Africa; they are traditionally cattle herders of Muslim faith
      • a family of languages of the Fulani of West Africa and used as a lingua franca in the sub-Saharan regions from Senegal to Chad; the best known of the West African languages

    Synonyms for the word Fula

      • Fula
      • Fulah
      • Fulani

    Hypernyms for the word Fula

      • African
      • West African

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