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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "g"
Words starting with letters "ge"
Words starting with letters "gen"
Words starting with letters "geni"
Words starting with letters "genic"
Words starting with letters "genicu"
Words starting with letters "genicul"
Words starting with letters "genicula"
Words starting with letters "geniculat"
Words starting with letters "geniculate"
Words starting with letters "geniculate "
Words starting with letters "geniculate b"
Words starting with letters "geniculate bo"
Words starting with letters "geniculate bod"
Defenition of the word geniculate body
Defenition of the word geniculate body
Defenition of the word geniculate body
one of four small oval masses that protrude slightly from the underside of the thalamus and function as synaptic centers on the way to the cerebral cortex
Meronymys for the word geniculate body
Hyponyms for the word geniculate body
corpus geniculatum laterale
corpus geniculatum mediale
lateral geniculate
lateral geniculate body
medial geniculate
medial geniculate body
Hypernyms for the word geniculate body
neural structure
See other words
What is genus genetta
The definition of genetta
The interpretation of the word recombinant dna technology
What is meant by gene-splicing
The lexical meaning inherited disorder
The dictionary meaning of the word inherited disease
The grammatical meaning of the word congenital disease
Meaning of the word genetic abnormality
Literal and figurative meaning of the word genetic disorder
The origin of the word genie
Synonym for the word jinnee
Antonyms for the word djinni
Homonyms for the word djinny
Hyponyms for the word genip
Holonyms for the word spanish lime
Hypernyms for the word genipa
Proverbs and sayings for the word genipap
Translation of the word in other languages genipap fruit
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "y"
Words ending with letters "dy"
Words ending with letters "ody"
Words ending with letters "body"
Words ending with letters " body"
Words ending with letters "e body"
Words ending with letters "te body"
Words ending with letters "ate body"
Words ending with letters "late body"
Words ending with letters "ulate body"
Words ending with letters "culate body"
Words ending with letters "iculate body"
Words ending with letters "niculate body"
Words ending with letters "eniculate body"
Meaning of the word geniculate body