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Defenition of the word geothermal energy

    • Defenition of the word geothermal energy

      • An energy produced by tapping the earth's internal heat. At present, the only available technologies to do this are those that extract heat from hydrothermal convection systems, where water or steam transfer the heat from the deeper part of the earth to the areas where the energy can be tapped. The amount of pollutants found in geothermal vary from area to area but may contain arsenic, boron, selenium, lead, cadmium, and fluorides. They also may contain hydrogen sulphide, mercury, ammonia, radon, carbon dioxide, and methane. (Source: KOREN)
      • energy derived from the heat in the interior of the earth

    Hypernyms for the word geothermal energy

      • heat
      • heat energy

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