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Defenition of the word graft

    • Defenition of the word graft

      • the practice of offering something (usually money) in order to gain an illicit advantage
      • cause to grow together parts from different plants; "graft the cherry tree branch onto the plum tree"
      • the act of grafting something onto something else
      • (surgery) tissue or organ transplanted from a donor to a recipient; in some cases the patient can be both donor and recipient
      • in surgery
      • place athe organ of a donor into the body of a recipient
      • place the organ of a donor into the body of a recipient
      • cause to grow together parts from different plants

    Synonyms for the word graft

      • attach
      • bribery
      • bud
      • embed
      • engraft
      • fix
      • grafting
      • implant
      • implantation
      • ingraft
      • insert
      • join
      • scion
      • shoot
      • slip
      • splice
      • transplant

    Similar words in the graft

      • graft
      • graft's
      • grafted
      • grafter
      • grafter's
      • grafters
      • grafting
      • grafts

    Hyponyms for the word graft

      • allograft
      • autograft
      • autoplasty
      • barratry
      • commercial bribery
      • heterograft
      • homograft
      • xenograft

    Hypernyms for the word graft

      • affixation
      • animal tissue
      • attachment
      • conjoin
      • enter
      • felony
      • infix
      • insert
      • introduce
      • join

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