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Defenition of the word graham

    • Defenition of the word graham

      • flour made by grinding the entire wheat berry including the bran; (`whole_meal_flour' is British usage)
      • flour made by grinding the entire wheat berry including the bran; (`whole meal flour'' is British usage)
      • United States dancer and choreographer whose work was noted for its austerity and technical rigor (1893-1991)
      • United States evangelical preacher famous as a mass evangelist (born in 1918)
      • flour made by grinding the entire wheat berry including the bran; (`whole meal flour' is British usage)

    Synonyms for the word graham

      • graham flour
      • whole meal flour
      • whole wheat flour

    Hypernyms for the word graham

      • choreographer
      • dancer
      • evangelist
      • gospeler
      • gospeller
      • professional dancer
      • revivalist
      • wheat flour

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