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Defenition of the word Guangzhou

    • Defenition of the word Guangzhou

      • A sub-provincial city located in southern China in the middle of Guangdong Province north of the Pearl River, about 120 km (75 mi) northwest of Hong Kong.
      • a city on the Canton River Delta in S China; a major deep-water port
      • a city on the Zhu Jiangi delta in southern China; the capital of Guangdong province and a major deep-water port
      • a city on the Zhu Jiang delta in southern China; the capital of Guangdong province and a major deep-water port

    Synonyms for the word Guangzhou

      • Canton
      • Guangzhou
      • Kuangchou
      • Kwangchow

    Meronymys for the word Guangzhou

      • China
      • Communist China
      • mainland China
      • People's Republic of China
      • PRC
      • Red China

    Hyponyms for the word Guangzhou

      • Swiss canton

    Hypernyms for the word Guangzhou

      • city
      • metropolis
      • port
      • urban center

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