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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "h"
Words starting with letters "ha"
Words starting with letters "hae"
Words starting with letters "haem"
Words starting with letters "haemo"
Words starting with letters "haemor"
Words starting with letters "haemorr"
Words starting with letters "haemorrh"
Words starting with letters "haemorrha"
Words starting with letters "haemorrhag"
Words starting with letters "haemorrhagi"
Words starting with letters "haemorrhagic"
Words starting with letters "haemorrhagic "
Words starting with letters "haemorrhagic f"
Words starting with letters "haemorrhagic fe"
Words starting with letters "haemorrhagic fev"
Words starting with letters "haemorrhagic feve"
Defenition of the word haemorrhagic fever
Defenition of the word haemorrhagic fever
Defenition of the word haemorrhagic fever
a group of illnesses caused by a viral infection (usually restricted to a specific geographic area); fever and gastrointestinal symptoms are followed by capillary hemorrhage
Hyponyms for the word haemorrhagic fever
Argentine hemorrhagic fever
Crimea-Congo hemorrhagic fever
Ebola fever
Ebola hemorrhagic fever
green monkey disease
Lassa fever
Marburg disease
Marburg hemorrhagic fever
Rift Valley fever
Hypernyms for the word haemorrhagic fever
viral infection
virus infection
See other words
What is haemoglobinemia
The definition of haemogenesis
The interpretation of the word haemitin
What is meant by haematuria
The lexical meaning haematopoietic
The dictionary meaning of the word haematopoiesis
The grammatical meaning of the word haematoidin
Meaning of the word haematohiston
Literal and figurative meaning of the word haematogenic
The origin of the word haemorrhagic stroke
Synonym for the word haemorrhoid
Antonyms for the word haemorrhoidectomy
Homonyms for the word haemosiderin
Hyponyms for the word haemosiderosis
Holonyms for the word haemostasia
Hypernyms for the word haemostasis
Proverbs and sayings for the word haemothorax
Translation of the word in other languages haftarah
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "r"
Words ending with letters "er"
Words ending with letters "ver"
Words ending with letters "ever"
Words ending with letters "fever"
Words ending with letters " fever"
Words ending with letters "c fever"
Words ending with letters "ic fever"
Words ending with letters "gic fever"
Words ending with letters "agic fever"
Words ending with letters "hagic fever"
Words ending with letters "rhagic fever"
Words ending with letters "rrhagic fever"
Words ending with letters "orrhagic fever"
Words ending with letters "morrhagic fever"
Words ending with letters "emorrhagic fever"
Words ending with letters "aemorrhagic fever"
Meaning of the word haemorrhagic fever