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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "h"
Words starting with letters "ha"
Words starting with letters "hal"
Words starting with letters "halo"
Defenition of the word halon
Defenition of the word halon
Defenition of the word halon
a compound in which the hydrogen atoms of a hydrocarbon have been replaced by bromine and other halogen atoms; very stable; used in fire extinguishers although it is thought to release bromine that depletes the ozone layer
Hypernyms for the word halon
organic compound
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What is pealed
The definition of tolling
The interpretation of the word peale
What is meant by discontinuous
The lexical meaning pushcart
The dictionary meaning of the word resemblances
The grammatical meaning of the word discontinuity
Meaning of the word discontinuations
Literal and figurative meaning of the word discontinuities
The origin of the word resounded
Synonym for the word vibrate
Antonyms for the word cartel
Homonyms for the word resoundingly
Hyponyms for the word give the impression
Holonyms for the word resonated
Hypernyms for the word resonates
Proverbs and sayings for the word semblances
Translation of the word in other languages gang leader
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "n"
Words ending with letters "on"
Words ending with letters "lon"
Words ending with letters "alon"
Meaning of the word halon