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Defenition of the word hanging

    • Defenition of the word hanging

      • A form of execution or suicide where one is suspended in air from a noose and, thus, suffocated.
      • A public event at which a person is hanged.
      • supported from above; "the child dabbled his dangling feet in the water"; "fuchsias in hanging pots"; "pendent bunches of grapes"; "a suspended fireplace"
      • a form of capital punishment; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead; "in those days the hanging of criminals was a public entertainment"
      • something that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window; "the cold castle walls were covered with hangings"
      • the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely); "there was a small ceremony for the hanging of the portrait"
      • decoration that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window; "the cold castle walls were covered with hangings"
      • the act of suspending something (hanging it from above so it moves freely)
      • a form of capital punishment; victim is suspended by the neck from a gallows or gibbet until dead
      • decoration that is hung (as a tapestry) on a wall or over a window

    Synonyms for the word hanging

      • dangling
      • execution
      • killing
      • lynching
      • pendant
      • pendent
      • suspended
      • suspension
      • wall hanging

    Similar words in the hanging

      • hanging
      • hanging's
      • hangings
      • supported

    Hyponyms for the word hanging

      • arras
      • dossal
      • dossel
      • Kakemono
      • lambrequin
      • tapestry

    Hypernyms for the word hanging

      • capital punishment
      • death penalty
      • decoration
      • executing
      • execution
      • ornament
      • ornamentation
      • support
      • supporting

    Idioms for the word hanging

      • wall hangings

    See other words