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Defenition of the word headband

    • Defenition of the word headband

      • A strip of fabric worn around the head or a hair-accessory, made of a flexible material and curved like a horseshoe, for holding one's hair back.
      • a band worn around the head
      • a band worn around or over the head; "the earphones were held in place by a headband"
      • a band worn around or over the head

    Synonyms for the word headband

      • circlet
      • crown
      • diadem
      • headdress

    Similar words in the headband

      • headband
      • headband's
      • headbands

    Hyponyms for the word headband

      • fillet
      • taenia
      • tenia

    Hypernyms for the word headband

      • band

    See other words