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Defenition of the word heartbeat

    • Defenition of the word heartbeat

      • A rhythmic pulsation of the heart.
      • the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart; "he could feel the beat of her heart"
      • an animating or vital unifying force; "New York is the commercial heartbeat of America"
      • a very short time (as the time it takes the eye blink or the heart to beat); "if I had the chance I''d do it in a flash"
      • an animating or vital unifying force
      • the rhythmic contraction and expansion of the arteries with each beat of the heart
      • a very short time (as the time it takes the eye to blink or the heart to beat)

    Synonyms for the word heartbeat

      • beat
      • pulsation
      • pulse

    Hyponyms for the word heartbeat

      • diastole
      • pounding
      • systole
      • throb
      • throbbing

    Hypernyms for the word heartbeat

      • bit
      • force
      • minute
      • mo
      • moment
      • periodic event
      • recurrent event
      • second

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