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Defenition of the word heartbreaking

    • Defenition of the word heartbreaking

      • causing or marked by grief or anguish; "a grievous loss"; "a grievous cry"; "her sigh was heartbreaking"; "the heartrending words of Rabin's granddaughter"
      • causing or marked by grief or anguish; "a grievous loss"; "a grievous cry"; "her sigh was heartbreaking"; "the heartrending words of Rabin''s granddaughter"
      • causing or marked by grief or anguish

    Synonyms for the word heartbreaking

      • affecting
      • distressing
      • grievous
      • heartrending
      • painful
      • pitiful
      • tear-jerking
      • touching
      • tragic
      • upsetting

    Similar words in the heartbreaking

      • heartbreaking
      • sorrowful

    See other words