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English dictionary
Words starting with letters "h"
Words starting with letters "he"
Words starting with letters "hec"
Words starting with letters "heca"
Words starting with letters "hecat"
Defenition of the word hecate
Defenition of the word hecate
Defenition of the word hecate
(Greek mythology) Greek goddess of fertility who later became associated with Persephone as goddess of the underworld and protector of witches
Hypernyms for the word hecate
Greek deity
See other words
What is heaviside
The definition of heavier-than-air craft
The interpretation of the word heavier-than-air
What is meant by heating element
The lexical meaning heat ray
The dictionary meaning of the word heat of transformation
The grammatical meaning of the word heat hyperpyrexia
Meaning of the word heat dissipation
Literal and figurative meaning of the word heart-leaf
The origin of the word hector berlioz
Synonym for the word hector hevodidbon
Antonyms for the word hector hugh munro
Homonyms for the word hedge in
Hyponyms for the word hedgefund
Holonyms for the word hedger
Hypernyms for the word hedjaz
Proverbs and sayings for the word heebie-jeebies
Translation of the word in other languages heidegger
English dictionary
Words ending with letters "e"
Words ending with letters "te"
Words ending with letters "ate"
Words ending with letters "cate"
Words ending with letters "ecate"
Meaning of the word hecate