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Defenition of the word henry tudor

    • Defenition of the word henry tudor

      • (1457-1509) first Tudor king of England from 1485 to 1509; head of the house of Lancaster in the War of the Roses; defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field and was proclaimed king; married the daughter of Edward IV and so united the houses of York and Lancaster
      • first Tudor king of England from 1485 to 1509; head of the house of Lancaster in the War of the Roses; defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field and was proclaimed king; married the daughter of Edward IV and so united the houses of York and Lancaster (1457-1
      • first Tudor king of England from 1485 to 1509; head of the house of Lancaster in the War of the Roses; defeated Richard III at Bosworth Field and was proclaimed king; married the daughter of Edward IV and so united the houses of York and Lancaster (1457-1509)

    Synonyms for the word henry tudor

      • Henry Tudor
      • Henry VII

    Meronymys for the word henry tudor

      • House of Tudor
      • Tudor

    Hypernyms for the word henry tudor

      • King of England
      • King of Great Britain

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