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Defenition of the word hieratic

    • Defenition of the word hieratic

      • (fine arts) adhering to fixed types or methods; highly restrained and formal; "the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved"
      • written or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing; "hieratic Egyptian script"
      • a cursive form of Egyptian hieroglyphics; used especially by the priests
      • associated with the priesthood or priests; "priestly (or sacerdotal) vestments"; "hieratic gestures"
      • adhering to fixed types or methods; highly restrained and formal; "the more hieratic sculptures leave the viewer curiously unmoved"
      • adhering to fixed types or methods; highly restrained and formal
      • written or belonging to a cursive form of ancient Egyptian writing
      • associated with the priesthood or priests

    Synonyms for the word hieratic

      • hieratic script
      • hieratical
      • priestly
      • sacerdotal

    Similar words in the hieratic

      • nonrepresentational

    Hyponyms for the word hieratic

      • demotic
      • demotic script

    Hypernyms for the word hieratic

      • hieroglyph
      • hieroglyphic

    See other words